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Indigenous Languages Across the Generations

Strengthening Families and Communities

This 21-chapter volume grew out of the 16th annual Stabilizing Indigenous Languages Symposium held at Arizona State University in 2009. Included are keynote addresses by K. Laina Wong, Lily Wong Fillmore, Renee Grounds and Ngugi wa Thiong'o, as well as case examples from Africa, Aotearoa/New Zealand, Canada, Latin America, Russia and the United States. Together, the chapters provide a treasure trove of lessons for "strengthening families and communities" through language revitalization.


Mary Eunice Romero-Little is associate professor of Indigenous language education and applied linguistics with American Indian Studies at Arizona State University.

Simon J. Ortiz is Regents' Professor Emeritus in the Department of English and American Indian Studies Program at Arizona State University.

Teresa L. McCarty is the Alice Wiley Snell Professor Emerita of education policy studies and former co-director of the Center for Indian Education at Arizona State University.