How Christianity Smothered the True American Dream
"Holy Smoke: How Christianity Smothered the True American Dream" briefly tracks the religious history of America from the colonial era to today, spotlighting the many ways the nation's evolution strayed from its founding Enlightenment principles of secular reason due to the corrupting influence of Christianity in civic and governmental practices, unintended by the Founding Fathers.Rick Snedeker
Rick Snedeker is a 1973 ASU journalism graduate, and a retired journalist and writer now living in rural South Dakota with his wife, Pat, and a cat named Buddy. He published two books since retirement: "3,001 Arabian Days: A Memoir" and "Holy Smoke."
Praise for this book
The US is a bizarre outlier among prosperous and educated nations. On the one hand it is the greatest scientific powerhouse in the world, boasting more than its fair share of the world’s top universities. On the other hand it is a quagmire of religious fanaticism no less ridiculous than the worst that Iran or Pakistan have to offer. The explanation for this strange incongruity must surely be sought in the religious history of the republic. Rick Snedeker’s erudite yet readable book gives us just such a history. And very illuminating it is.
Richard Dawkins Author of "The God Delusion"