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Go Out and Live

A 27-Year Journey of Courage

Authors Ken Hall and Doris Hall

Adopted at just four days of age, Allison started out right away in reaching out for life. In her early years, she danced, played the piano and wrote stories in advance of her peers. Her family's cross-country move from Arizona to New Jersey brought new levels of adventure, travel and socialization.

As a preteen, Allison showed ability in track and field, although friendships were her mainstay. Then at 16, after numerous medical diagnoses for recurring back pain, she was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer supposedly immune to radiation and chemotherapy. With a 2 1/2-year life expectancy, a doctor told her to "go out and live!"


Doris Hall earned a Master of Arts in creative writing in 1967.

Cover of "Go Out and Live" featuring a photo of a woman's face looking back
Date published
Beaver's Pond Press

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