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Cover of "Border Fictions" featuring a blue and beige background with images of a landscape

Border Fictions

Globalization, Empire, and Writing at the Boundaries of the United States

Claudia Sadowski-Smith

Cover of "Developing Writing Strategies for Professionals" featuring an image of the tops of pencils' erasers

Developing Writing Strategies for Professionals

Meshing Value with Each Professional

John Guenther

Cover of A Land Between by Rebecca Fish Ewan

A Land Between

Owens Valley, California

Rebecca Fish Ewan

The Routledge Handbook of Placemaking

Edited by Tom Borrup, Maria Rosario Jackson, Louise Platt, Kyle Legge, Jason Schupbach, Cara Courage and Anita McKeown

Cover book for "Unplanned Visitors" featuring a man in bed

Unplanned Visitors

Queering the Ethics and Aesthetics of Domestic Space

Olivier Vallerand

Image of facade of the Seagram Building in New York City. With gold-paned windows and steel frame. Title "Unless: The Seagram Building Construction Ecology" and author Kiel Moe's name are superimposed on the image.


The Seagram Building Construction Ecology

Kiel Moe

Someone covered by a poster they are holding up with the book title and author name

The Craft Advantage

Reviving Craft in Architecture for a Better Built Environment and Improved Influence

Beau Dromiack

Grey book cover with image of desert landscape


a desert dwelling

Edited by Jeremy Meek

Green background with two arch shapes that outline the title in white font

Borders, Human Itineraries, and All Our Relation

The Alchemy Lecture

Natalie Diaz

Brown illustration of New York City with the Statue of Liberty in color

Manhattan: The Rising War

Sal Cosenza