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Firebrand Feminism

The Radical Lives of Ti-Grace Atkinson, Kathie Sarachild, Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, and Dana Densmore

Author Breanne Fahs

Unapologetic, troublemaking, agitating, revolutionary and hot-headed: radical feminism bravely transformed the history of politics, love, sexuality, and science. In "Firebrand Feminism," Breanne Fahs brings together 10 years of dialogue with four founders of the radical feminist movement: Ti-Grace Atkinson, Kathie Sarachild, Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz and Dana Densmore. Taking aim at the selfishness of the right and the incremental politics of the liberal left, they defiantly and fiercely created a new kind of feminism in the late 1960s.

"Firebrand Feminism" provides a timely and historically rich account of these audacious women and the lasting impact of their words and work. This unique and provocative book unites second- and third-wave feminism and creates a much-needed intergenerational dialogue about the utility of feminist rage, the importance of refusal, the changing politics of sex and love, trans rights, and tactics to start (and continue) a revolution.


Breanne Fahs is a professor of women and gender studies at Arizona State University, where she specializes in studying women's sexuality, critical embodiment studies, radical feminism and political activism.

Praise for this book

Makes the argument that contemporary feminism needs a reinfusion of the 'firebrand feminism' epitomized by these women and early radical feminism.

Jane Caputi author of Goddesses and Monsters: Women, Myth, Power, and Popular Culture

At a time when feminism would prefer to forget about its radical past, Breanne Fahs does the hard work of dragging it back out from the shadows. Her writing remembers forgotten and neglected women, and their ideas for a wild transformation of society, and it is increasingly vital. 'Firebrand Feminism' is no nostalgia tour, it is a white-hot reminder that we can and should and will change the world.

Jessa Crispin author of The Dead Ladies Project
Date published
University of Washington Press

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