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Couples coping with stress

This is the first book that reviews both empirical and clinical applications of how couples jointly cope with stress — dyadic coping — around the globe. The Systemic-Transactional Stress Model (STM), developed by co-editor Guy Bodenmann, is used as a consistent framework so readers can better appreciate the contrasts and similarities across the 14 cultures represented in the book. Written by scholars from the particular culture, each chapter provides a conceptual review of the dyadic coping research conducted in their specific cultures, and also provides empirical and clinical recommendations. Additional contributions include how to measure dyadic coping, so others can apply the STM model in other contexts. The latest treatment approaches for therapy and prevention are also highlighted, making this book ideal for professionals interested in expanding their cultural competence when working with couples from various backgrounds.


Ashley Randall is an associate professor in counseling and counseling psychology, which is housed in the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts.

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