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Robert Boyd

A Different Kind of Animal: How Culture Transformed Our Species

A Different Kind of Animal

How Culture Transformed Our Species

Robert Boyd

How Humans Evolved, Eighth Edition

How Humans Evolved

Eighth Edition

Robert Boyd and Joan B. Silk

Not by Genes Alone: How Culture Transformed Human Evolution

Not by Genes Alone

How Culture Transformed Human Evolution

Robert Boyd and Peter J. Richerson

The Origin and Evolution of Cultures

The Origin and Evolution of Cultures

Robert Boyd and Peter J. Richerson

Cover of "The Foundations of Human Sociality"

The Foundations of Human Sociality

Economic Experiments and Ethnographic Evidence from Fifteen Small-Scale Societies

Edited by Samuel Bowles, Robert Boyd, Joseph Henrich, Herbert Gintis, Ernest Fehr and Colin Camerer

Moral Sentiments and Material Interests: The Foundations of Cooperation in Economic Life

Moral Sentiments and Material Interests

The Foundations of Cooperation in Economic Life

Edited by Samuel Bowles, Robert Boyd, Herbert Gintis and Ernest Fehr