Richard Newhauser

Sin in Medieval and Early Modern Culture
The Tradition of the Seven Deadly Sins
Edited by Susan Ridyard and Richard Newhauser

The Moral Treatise on the Eye
Translated by Richard Newhauser

The Book of Nature and Humanity in Medieval and Early Modern Europe

A Supplement to Morton W. Bloomfield et al., 'Incipits of Latin Works on the Virtues and Vices, 1100-1500 A.D.'

Essays on the Moral Tradition in the Western Middle Ages

The Seven Deadly Sins
From Communities to Individuals
Edited by Richard Newhauser

The Early History of Greed
The Sin of Avarice in Early Medieval Thought and Literature

Virtue And Ethics in the Twelfth Century
Edited by Richard Newhauser and István P. Bejczy

The Chaucer Encyclopedia
Volumes 1-4
Edited by Richard Newhauser