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Kathleen Mullen Sands

Cover of Charrería Mexicana by Kathleen Mullen Sands

Charrería Mexicana

An Equestrian Folk Tradition

Kathleen Mullen Sands

Cover of Autobiography of a Yaqui Poet edited by Kathleen Mullen Sands

Autobiography of a Yaqui Poet

Refugio Savala

Edited by Kathleen Mullen Sands

Cover of People of Pascua edited by Kathleen Mullen Sands

People of Pascua

Edward H. Spicer

Edited by Rosamond B. Spicer and Kathleen Mullen Sands

Cover of American Indian Women by Gretchen Bataille and Kathleen Mullen Sands

American Indian Women

Telling Their Lives

Kathleen Mullen Sands and Gretchen Bataille

Cover of Telling a Good One co-authored by Kathleen Mullen Sands

Telling a Good One

The Process of a Native American Collaborative Biography

Theodore Rios and Kathleen Mullen Sands

Cover of Circle of Motion edited by Kathleen Mullen Sands

Circle of Motion

Arizona Anthology of Contemporary American Indian Literature

Edited by Kathleen Mullen Sands

Inside cover of American Indian Women: A Guide to Research by Gretchen Bataille and Kathleen Sands

American Indian Women

A Guide to Research

Kathleen Mullen Sands and Gretchen Bataille