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Jonathan Bate

Cover of How the Classics Made Shakespeare by Jonathan Bate

How the Classics Made Shakespeare

Jonathan Bate

Cover of Radical Wordsworth by Jonathan Bate

Radical Wordsworth

The Poet Who Changed the World

Jonathan Bate

Cover of U.S. edition of Radical Wordsworth by Sir Jonathan Bate

Radical Wordsworth (U.S. edition)

The Poet Who Changed the World

Jonathan Bate

Cover of Stressed, Unstressed co-edited by Jonathan Bate

Stressed, Unstressed

Classic Poems to Ease the Mind

Edited by Paula Byrne and Jonathan Bate

Cover of The Shepherd's Hut by Jonathan Bate

The Shepherd's Hut

Jonathan Bate

Illustrated by Emma Bridgewater

Cover of Elia and the Last Essays of Elia edited by Jonathan Bate

Elia and the Last Essays of Elia

Charles Lamb

Edited by Jonathan Bate

Cover of 'I Am' edited by Jonathan Bate

'I Am'

The Selected Poetry of John Clare

John Clare

Edited by Jonathan Bate

Cover of The RSC Shakespeare co-edited by Jonathan Bate

The RSC Shakespeare

The Complete Works

William Shakespeare

Edited by Jonathan Bate and Eric Rasmussen

Cover of William Shakespeare and Others co-edited by Jonathan Bate

William Shakespeare and Others

Collaborative Plays

William Shakespeare

Edited by Jonathan Bate and Eric Rasmussen

Cover of Romantic Ecology (Routledge Revivals) by Jonathan Bate

Romantic Ecology (Routledge Revivals)

Wordsworth and the Environmental Tradition

Jonathan Bate