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Joey Eschrich

Cover for the edited volume "Visions, Ventures, Escape Velocities: A Collection of Space Futures," depicting the inside of a futuristic space station.

Visions, Ventures, Escape Velocities

A Collection of Space Futures

Edited by Joey Eschrich and Ed Finn

Cover of Slow Catastrophes, Uncertain Revivals edited by Michele Speitz and Joey Eschrich

Slow Catastrophes, Uncertain Revivals

Stories Inspired by Project Hieroglyph

Edited by Michele Speitz and Joey Eschrich

Cover of Overview book, showing horizontal stripes of oranges, blues, yellows, and black.


Stories in the Stratosphere

Edited by Michael G. Bennett, Joey Eschrich and Ed Finn

Everything Change book cover, with diagonal white pinstripes over a black background.

Everything Change

An Anthology of Climate Fiction

Edited by Meredith Martinez, Manjana Milkoreit and Joey Eschrich

The Rightful Place of Science: Frankenstein

Megan Halpern, Joey Eschrich and Jathan Sadowski

Edited by G. Pascal Zachary

Cover of Everything Change, Volume II, an illustration sunlight peeking over the curve of the Earth, viewed from space, against a black background

Everything Change, Volume II

An Anthology of Climate Fiction

Edited by Joey Eschrich and Angie Dell

Cover showing a stylized sun created of differently colored rings, over the title "The Weight of Light"

The Weight of Light

A Collection of Solar Futures

Edited by Joey Eschrich and Clark A. Miller

Cover image of Future Tense Fiction: Stories of Tomorrow

Future Tense Fiction

Stories of Tomorrow

Edited by Torie Bosch, Kirsten Berg, Joey Eschrich, Ed Finn and Andrés Martinez

The book cover for Cities of Light, with horizontal bars of dark blue, purple, red, and orange, and an array of small cubes, so the cover looks stylized like the front of a large apartment builiding.

Cities of Light

A Collection of Solar Futures

Edited by Joey Eschrich and Clark A. Miller

Cover of the book "Sickness, Systems, Solidarity."

Sickness, Systems, Solidarity

A Pandemics and Games Essay Jam

Edited by Zoyander Street and Joey Eschrich