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A Comprehensive Guide To Intersex

This resource provides readers with everything they need to know about intersex — people who are born with any range of sex characteristics that might not fit typical binary notions about male and female bodies. International in scope, and covering a wide variety of topics in an easy-to-read way, the book explores what intersex is, what it is not, a detailed overview of its 40 or so different variations, and historical and social aspects of intersex and medical intervention. It also gives practical, proven advice on how professionals can help and support intersex people. Parents, allies and intersex will find this informative book valuable as well.


Jay Kyle Petersen was born intersex in 1952 in a small county hospital of a conservative rural farming area and raised on a small family owned dairy farm in the Upper Midwest Plains of the United States. He received his master's degree in social work from Arizona State University 2002.

Praise for this book

A worthy new guide to the burgeoning field of intersex Studies, positioning people who actually experience intersex variations, their experiences, and their self-determination in the foreground. This will be a highly useful, valued guide for those seeking key information from a critical perspective.

Tiffany Jones Professor, Macquarie University, Australia

Jay's book is thorough, thoughtful, and thought-provoking. He describes clinical aspects of intersex, but also illuminates more personal nuances through individual accounts and examples. It is a 'must read' for health care professionals.

Clare McCarthy, MD, FACEP Medical Doctor Tennessee, USA
book cover for A Comprehensive Guide to Intersex
Date published
Jessica Kingsley Publishers London and Philadelphia
978 1 78592 631 0
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