Virginia G. Piper Center for Creative Writing

Nobody Is Ever Missing

Ecocriticism and Indigenous Studies
Conversations from Earth to Cosmos
Edited by Salma Monani and Joni Adamson

Humanities for the Environment
Integrating Knowledge, Forging New Constellations of Practice
Edited by Michael Davis and Joni Adamson

Keywords for Environmental Studies
Edited by William A. Gleason, Joni Adamson and David N. Pellow

Everything Change
An Anthology of Climate Fiction
Edited by Meredith Martinez, Manjana Milkoreit and Joey Eschrich

Devotedly, Virginia
The Life of Virginia Galvin Piper

Everything Change, Volume II
An Anthology of Climate Fiction
Edited by Joey Eschrich and Angie Dell

Not Go Away Is My Name

A Good Map of All Things
A Picaresque Novel