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School for the Future of Innovation in Society

The Rightful Place of Science

The Rightful Place of Science

Future Conflict & Emerging Technologies

Braden R. Allenby

Cover image for "Frankenstein: Annotated for Scientists, Engineers, and Creators of All Kinds," featuring a black background and orange stylized text.


Annotated for Scientists, Engineers, and Creators of All Kinds

Mary Shelley

Edited by Jason Scott Robert, Ed Finn and David H. Guston

Cover of Ecocriticism and Indigenous Studies edited by Salma Monani and Joni Adamson

Ecocriticism and Indigenous Studies

Conversations from Earth to Cosmos

Edited by Salma Monani and Joni Adamson

Cover of Humanities for the Environment edited by Joni Adamson and Michael Davis

Humanities for the Environment

Integrating Knowledge, Forging New Constellations of Practice

Edited by Michael Davis and Joni Adamson

Image of wrenches at different angles with the book title on top

Keywords for Environmental Studies

Edited by William A. Gleason, Joni Adamson and David N. Pellow

Cover of Hieroglyph book, showing a pen-and-ink drawing of an Erlenmeyer flask against a blue background.


Stories and Visions for a Better Future

Edited by Kathryn Cramer and Ed Finn

Cover of Overview book, showing horizontal stripes of oranges, blues, yellows, and black.


Stories in the Stratosphere

Edited by Michael G. Bennett, Joey Eschrich and Ed Finn

Cover of The Future

The Future—Powered by Fiction

Edited by G. Pascal Zachary and Ed Finn

Cover of "Crowd Futures: We Have Always Died in the Castle" book, showing a woman's head in silhouette.

Crowd Futures: We Have Always Died in the Castle

Elizabeth Bear

Edited by Bob Beard

Illustrated by Melissa Gay

Cover of "Drawn Futures: Arizona 2045" comic book, showing two people standing back-to-back with arms crossed over their chests, three flying drones, and a humanoid robot in the background.

Drawn Futures: Arizona 2045

Edited by Ed Finn, Brian Augustyn and Bob Beard