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Barrett, The Honors College

Russia's Sisters of Mercy and The Great War: More Than Binding Men's Wounds

Russia's Sisters of Mercy and the Great War:

More Than Binding Men's Wounds

Laurie S. Stoff

Cover of "They Fought For The Motherland" featuring a row of female soldiers

They Fought for the Motherland

Russia’s Women Soldiers in World War I and the Revolution

Laurie S. Stoff

Mimbres Lives book cover image

Mimbres Lives and Landscapes

Edited by Michelle Hegmon and Margaret Nelson

Book cover with sepia image of students in the library of what because ASU

Arizona State University

The Campus History Series

Stephanie R. DeLuse and Denise E. Bates

man posing on book cover in tattoos

Tattle Tales

Tattoo Stories and Portraits

Brandy Isadora

Legendary Locals of Tempe book cover

Legendary Locals of Tempe

Stephanie R. DeLuse

Image of Anna Maria Porter

Artless Tales

Or, Romantic Effusions of the Heart by Anna Maria Porter

Edited by Erika Cleveland, Devoney Looser, Claire McCarville and A. J. Otero

16th century inspired illustration of bird

Middle English Marvels

Magic, Spectacle, and Morality in the Fourteenth Century

Tara Williams

English inspired painting of women

Inventing Womanhood

Gender and Language in Later Middle English Writing

Tara Williams

Illustration of a blonde woman looking into a hand mirror with a pink background

My Year As Emma

Amena Kheshtchin-Kamel