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Cat's Tongue


"Cat’s Tongue" is the latest publication from California-based writer Kathleen Winter, author of three award-winning poetry collections. Armed with wit, charm and original imagery, she engages with incidents in her Texas youth that range from traumatic to ecstatic — strewing oil fields, deer, drug dealers and football games in between. These poems vary widely in style and subject matter, but they share precisely crafted language and this writer’s unique perspective on a central Texas childhood.


Kathleen Winter is an ASU alum, having earned a Master of Fine Arts in creative writing in 2011.

Praise for this book

In Kathleen Winter’s new collection, 'Cat’s Tongue,' memory is a thing to encounter untamed, to be rediscovered and confronted before it’s lost again. These poems ‘go backwards / in experience, subtracting yes from yes’ as they unearth secrets and regrets and yearnings, as they reckon the past with the present. Through the glint and gloom of memory, these poems portray the self in all its strength and grief, all with Winter’s trademark keenness and lyrical grace.

W. Todd Kaneko Author of "This Is How the Bone Sings"

Winter’s wildly gorgeous and moving chapbook, 'Cat’s Tongue,' confronts the horrors and joys of youth and aging with both sass and humility. Winter’s deft craft pairs with her wide-ranging aesthetics to make poems that manage to surprise on every page. They are little revelations with rough tongues ready to love their readers raw.

John A. Nieves Author of "Curio"
Cover of Cat's Tongue by alum Kathleen Winter
Date published
Texas Review Press

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