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Captain Singleton

By Daniel Defoe

Edited by Manushag N. Powell

Following the success of "Robinson Crusoe," Daniel Defoe wrote a new fiction, the story of an English pirate whose success eclipsed every buccaneer the Atlantic world had seen. Featuring a haunted, unreliable narrator, a daring trek across the continent of Africa, and mercantile adventures in the China Seas, "Captain Singleton" is a tale of loneliness, brotherhood, and the lust for profit.

Appendices to this Broadview Edition include materials on pirate fiction, travel writing, and earlier pirate tales that may have provided models for Captain Singleton.


Manushag "Nush" Powell is professor and chair of English at Arizona State University.

Praise for this book

There is copious contextual grounding in Manushag Powell’s excellent edition, with meticulously informative notes that will intrigue even the most blasé undergraduate.

Min Wild Times Literary Supplement

Manushag N. Powell’s carefully edited and meticulously researched edition does an outstanding job of combining interpretive lens and pedagogical glossing. … Powell’s edition will introduce generations of students to one of Defoe’s most wide-ranging adventure stories.

Srividhya Swaminathan Eighteenth Century Fiction
Black and white photo of large sailing ship
Date published
Broadview Press

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