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Building Bridges: Curricula Notes

The Arts, Equity, Democracy and Inclusion Community Curriculum for Transitional Kindergarten

This community, arts and equity based curriculum promotes democracy and inclusion by systemically supporting teachers, parents and especially children. The conceptual framework places the child at the center and seeks to bring together multiple perspectives to allow for inquiry in every contextual experience. Contributors to this work argue that we must endeavor to continuously create a child-centered, research-based curriculum that is inclusive, innovative, sensitive, holistic, progressive, global and democratic. We must support the importance of multiple perspectives shaping our dialogue and our community and envision learning as a series of joyful discoveries that help children reach their creative capacities and develop a life-long love of learning.


Bogle attended Chandler Public Schools, Arizona State University, Ottowa University, Grand Canyon University and University of Southern California and travelled the world with her husband, also a Sun Devil, as an Army spouse and reading recovery teacher. She has been a teacher for over 23 years in three countries, having taught in elementary, middle, high school and university.

book cover with illustration of open book with tree and bridge and river popping out of it
Date published
Archway for Simon Schuster
ISBN-10: 1480878529

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