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The Art of the Bee

Shaping the Environment from Landscapes to Societies

The impact of bees on our world is immeasurable. Bees are responsible for the evolution of the vast array of brightly colored flowers and for engineering the niches of multitudes of plants, animals and microbes. They've painted our landscapes with flowers through their pollination activities, and they have evolved the most complex societies to aid their exploitation of the environment.

The parallels between human and insect societies have been explored by countless sociobiologists. Traditional texts present stratified layers of knowledge where the reader excavates levels of biological organization, each building on the last. In this book, Robert E. Page Jr. delves deep into the evolutionary history and the sociality of bees. He presents fundamental biology — not in layers, but wrapped around interesting themes and concepts, and in ways designed to explore and understand each concept. Page uses the social contract as a way to examine the complex social system of bee societies, a contract that has been written over millions of years of social evolution on the fabric of DNA. The book examines the coevolution of bees and flowering plants, bees as engineers of the environment, the evolution of sociality, the honey bee as a superorganism and how it evolves, and the mating behavior of the queen. The resulting book explores the ways human societies and bee colonies are similar — not from a common ancestry with shared genes for sociality, but from shared fundamentals of political philosophy.


Robert E. Page Jr. is provost emeritus and Foundation Chair of Life Sciences at ASU.

Praise for this book

[I] recommend this wonderful volume unreservedly to students of bee biology, naturalists, gardeners and anyone with a desire to know more about the fascinating world of honey bees.

Stephen L. Buchmann University of Arizona scientist, in The Quarterly Review of Biology

Drawing from his distinguished career studying honey bees, Robert Page reflects on the adaptations of social organisms that yield contracts through which their societies function through both harmony and discord. His journey into the hive, like Alexander von Humboldt's global explorations two centuries ago, stimulates and inspires us to ponder our own place in nature and within our human societies.

Mark L. Winston Professor and senior fellow, Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue, Simon Fraser University
Cover of The Art of the Bee by Robert E. Page, Jr.
Date published
Oxford University Press

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