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Apenas Um Garoto

Portuguese translation of 'Openly Straight'

Author Bill Konigsberg

Translated by Rachel Agavino

Rafe saiu do armário aos 13 anos e nunca sofreu bullying. Mas está cansado de ser rotulado como o garoto gay, o porta-voz de uma causa. Por isso ele decide entrar numa escola só para meninos em outro estado e manter sua orientação sexual em segredo: não com o objetivo de voltar para o armário e sim para nascer de novo, como uma folha em branco. O plano funciona no início, e ele chega até a fazer parte do grupo dos atletas e do time de futebol. Mas as coisas se complicam quando ele percebe que está se apaixonando por um de seus novos amigos héteros.


The award-winning novel about being out, being proud, and being ready for something else. Rafe is a normal teenager from Boulder, Colorado. He plays soccer. He's won skiing prizes. He likes to write. And, oh yeah, he's gay. He's been out since eighth grade, and he isn't teased, and he goes to other high schools and talks about tolerance and stuff. And while that's important, all Rafe really wants is to just be a regular guy. Not that GAY guy. To have it be a part of who he is, but not the headline, every single time. So when he transfers to an all-boys' boarding school in New England, he decides to keep his sexuality a secret — not so much going back in the closet as starting over with a clean slate. But then he sees a classmate break down. He meets a teacher who challenges him to write his story. And most of all, he falls in love with Ben … who doesn't even know that love is possible. This witty, smart, coming-out-again story will appeal to gay and straight kids alike as they watch Rafe navigate feeling different, fitting in, and what it means to be himself.


Bill Konigsberg, a former sports writer, holds a Master of Fine Arts in creative writing from Arizona State University, which he earned in 2005.

Praise for this book

Engraçado, inesperado, apimentado com diálogos excelentes — e, o melhor de tudo, dolorosamente honesto.”

"Funny, unexpected, peppered with terrific dialogue — and best of all, achingly honest.

Ned Vizzini
Cover of Apenas um Garoto by Bill Konigsberg
Date published

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