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Study rooms - Polytechnic campus Library

Polytechnic study rooms

Number: 8
Locations: Academic Center, lower level
Maximum capacity: 4-12, depending on the room size. See reservation page for details
Space type: Small group use (Please respect the maximum capacity notices on each room)
  • Reservations are required for all rooms.
  • All study rooms are for use by current ASU affiliates only.
  • All study rooms are intended for collaborative study. Single users may reserve the rooms only as availability permits and may be requested to relinquish the room as needed.
  • Reservations can be made for up to 4 hours per group and may be extended only as availability permits.
  • Reservations can be made up to 7 days in advance.
  • As a courtesy to others, please cancel your reservation if you will not be using the space. To do so, click the link provided in your confirmation email.
  • A reservation may be cancelled by ASU Library staff when a reserved room is not claimed within the first 15 minutes of reservation time.
  • You will receive a confirmation email with the reservation date/time. Please have the email and a picture ID available during your reserved time. Disputes over the use of a room may result in the loss of room privileges to all disputing parties.
Reservations: Reserve a study room now
Time limit: Rooms can be reserved up to 4 hours per person per day.
Room numbers: Rm 50, Rm 52, Rm 54, Rm 56, Rm 58, Rm 60, Rm 70,
Rm 72/24