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Computer use policy

Library computers

The ASU Library's computers are intended to provide access to information and essential computer productivity software in support of Arizona State University instruction and research. Use of all computers must comply to Arizona State University’s Computer, Internet and Electronic Communications policy (ACD-125) as well as the Library Conduct Policy. Examples of intended and appropriate use of library computers include:

  • Use of the library’s online catalog to discover library books and other materials.
  • Use of network-based searching tools and databases, including resources licensed for use at ASU by the library.
  • Use of online collections hosted locally or licensed from external information vendors for use at ASU.
  • Accessing and interacting with other ASU instructional and research systems, such as the Canvas course management system or the MyASU portal.
  • Use of applications software available on library computers to complete ASU course assignments or other educational and research tasks.
  • Computers may not be used for online gaming, with the exception of games specifically hosted for educational purposes at Arizona State University.

Because many computers made available by the ASU Library provide applications software licensed exclusively for use by current ASU students, faculty and staff, users are required to login at these computers with their ASURITE ID and password.

Computers are made available in most ASU Library locations for unaffiliated users, including holders of the ASU Library Community Card, in order to provide visitor access to the ASU Library's resources. Appropriate use of these computers includes:

  • Use of the library’s online catalog to discover library books and other materials.
  • Use of network-based searching tools and databases, including resources licensed for use at ASU by the library.
  • Use of online collections hosted locally or licensed from external information vendors for use at ASU.

Computers may not be used for online gaming, with the exception of games specifically hosted for educational purposes at Arizona State University. Viewing or displaying of obscene material is prohibited on any device. Patrons using library computers for personal communications or entertainment (e.g. e-mail, or viewing videos), or for internet browsing unrelated to academic research, can be asked to vacate a computer when those conducting research need them.

The library computers and network are ASU property, and as such users are not guaranteed anonymous access and use. The library and ASU have the right to monitor and investigate computer use for illegal activity without the user's consent or knowledge, in accordance with ACD 125: Computer, Internet and Electronic Communications.

Users may not use library computers for illegal activities or tamper with computer configuration, software, hardware or operating system. Any act of hacking or illegal use of library computers will be reported immediately to the campus police (DPS) and offenders will be prosecuted in accordance with applicable state and federal law.

Access to the ASU wireless network

The ASU wireless network is available in all ASU Library locations. ASU students, faculty and staff must login using their ASURITE credentials. Visitors may use the wireless network by selecting “ASU Guest Access.” Guest users are restricted to HTTP and HTTPS web browsing (other network protocols are not supported). For further information please visit the Technology Knowledge Base Wireless Network pages.