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fair use week news

four white stones balanced on top of one another in a stack, largest to smallest

Fair Use Week 2024: Fair use for educators

Understanding fair use is a very daunting task for most of us– and for good reason. When it comes to fair use, there are no clear answers. The doctrine is intentionally open and flexible, and without ...

ARL Fair Use Week infographic header

Fair Use Week: Fair use matters

Emily Rocha, Open Scholarship Intern February 20-24 marks the annual celebration of the important doctrine of fair use. Fair use impacts our day-to-day activities, often without being noticed. We enc...

An open U.S. Copyright Office of the U.S.A. records book

Fair Use Extends to Software Code

Laura Vlieg, Research Data Curation Intern In the course of my project as this semester’s Research Data Curation Intern, I recently learned (or tried to learn) about APIs – application programming in...

Fair Use Week 2022: Why Does Fair Use Matter to Research?

CJ Garcia, Scholarly Communication Intern Welcome to Fair Use Week! As libraries and universities across the United States celebrate fair use, you may be wondering just what the fair use doctrine is,...