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data science news

AZSVI article cover

Arizona Social Vulnerability Index (AZSVI): Technical Documentation

As part of the Arizona Health Improvement Plan (AZHIP), Arizona State University (ASU) provided technical assistance to the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) Data Advisory Committee (DAC) t...

the author's innocent dogs

Should we believe innocent looks or statistics? Explaining P-Value

Should you believe innocent looks or statistics? I hope you side with statistics after reading this blog. Otherwise it would mean I have failed as an educator. Well, one day I came home and found my d...

Unit for Data Science and Analytics Fall 2022 Schedule

The Unit for Data Science is a hub for research collaborations and student mentorship. It is a one-of-a-kind resource at ASU Library. Opportunities to get involved and learn about data science are thr...

Two people talking with a Zoom meeting happening on a screen behind them

ASU Library hosts inaugural data science conference

The data science field is rapidly expanding, but is often driven by the private sector, which monetizes data. On Wednesday, June 8, nearly 50 people from three dozen academic institutions across the ...

Sowing Doubt: Parler

Sowing Doubt: Anti-“Big Tech” Narratives, Parler, and the Alt-Tech Attention Economy

By Michael Simeone and Shawn Walker June 1, 2022 It was the spring of 2020, and the presidential election was only a few months away when Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) decided to gamble big on an all-o...

Barda challenge Miro detail board

BARDA challenge

Our team was approached to take part in the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) challenge during the Fall 2021 semester at Arizona State University (ASU). This competition w...

A first distant reading of randomly selected French content (30% sample) using Iramuteq (F. Clavert)

Research Applications with Web Archives: Collaboration Among Archives Unleashed Cohorts

Photo by Riccardo Annandale on Unsplash Web archives present opportunities to explore and enhance our understanding of our digital cultural heritage. After a quarter-centu...

Twitter stock price prediction

After analyzing the correlation between Reddit data and stock prices from a blog post, we at the Unit for Data Science and Analytics began to wonder: “What about Twitter data”? We have seen in the pas...