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New Map Collection and Index: Strip Maps of Central Phoenix

Published April 6, 2021
Updated Oct. 18, 2021

The index of our latest digital image collection, Strip Maps of Central Phoenix, is now available to the public in this interactive web map

  • Geographic Coverage: Phoenix, Arizona, United States
  • Time Range: 1929
  • Cartographic Scale: 1:1,200; 1:1,800
  • Physical Availability: in-house use only
  • Digital Availability: see low resolution images on web map

The Strip Maps of Central Phoenix collection includes maps of seven streets in Downtown Phoenix. 

Central Avenue, oriented north-south, is shown on sheets 1-3. Sheets 4-10 each depict a different east-west street that intersects Central Avenue. These east-west streets are:

  •  Van Buren St., 
  •  Monroe St., 
  •  Adams St.,
  • Washington St., 
  • Jefferson St., 
  • Madison St., and 
  • Jackson St. 

Each map shows numbered land plots with dimensions, smaller side streets, and significant public buildings along the main streets. 

Strip Maps of Central Phoenix Web App with Pop-up, magnified
Strip Maps of Central Phoenix Web App with Pop-up, magnified

These maps were created at the end of the 1920s after Phoenix had experienced an increase in population, leading to city expansion and new infrastructure. This development continued over the next several decades as Downtown Phoenix transitioned from a residential area to a business and entertainment hotspot. 

As a result, the Strip Maps of Central Phoenix collection shows a variety of important changes to the city’s layout. 

Side by side comparison of Second Avenue and Adams Street intersection, 1929 strip map compared to modern satellite imagery
Adams Street and 2nd Avenue comparison (1929 vs. 2021)

Such changes include the interruption of 2nd Ave. at Adams St. to allow for the construction of Phoenix’s municipal buildings (Phoenix City Courts, Phoenix City Hall, etc.) and the diversion of Jefferson St. to make room for the South Building of the Phoenix Convention Center. 

Historical Photograph of Intersection of Washington Street and First Avenue, 1928)
Arizona Collection.

Explore the collection now to discover more about how Downtown Phoenix has changed over the past 90 years! If you would like to access high resolution scans of the maps or schedule an appointment to explore the collection in person, please submit a service request to the Map and Geospatial Hub. Be sure to follow us on Facebook for all Map and Geospatial Hub updates!

-Remi Tuijl-Goode & Kelsey Kerley, Map and GIS Assistants