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A Look Back and a Look Ahead

Published Oct. 14, 2020
Updated Oct. 18, 2021

This blog began as a way for those of us who work with the rich archival resources at ASU Library to remain connected to our community during a time when many standard interactions (such as patrons using materials in a reading room) were not possible due to COVID-19 restrictions.

So far on this blog we’ve introduced ourselves and the collections we manage, highlighted the depth and breadth of our collections, and provided updates on how to access materials remotely or in person.  Now we want to pause our normal postings in order to re-imagine the blog to make sure we are communicating relevant information. An important part of this process is getting your feedback. 

What do you like or dislike?  What would you like to see more or less of?  And how can we better provide the content and information you want or need?

Let us know by going to Ask an Archivist, writing “Blog feedback” in the Question field, and giving us your thoughts and opinions in the More Detail/Explanation field. 

Thanks very much!

--Harold Housley, Assistant Archivist (Architecture, Arts and Design)

Image of people in a carriage
Image from the Meredith Harless Papers, Greater Arizona Collection, MSS 167