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Current exhibit through January 18: Shoestring Productions: Brazilian Storytelling through Contemporary Woodcuts, Artists’ Books, and Small Press Books (1997-2021)

Published Dec. 01, 2021
Updated Dec. 09, 2021

In the exhibit Shoestring Productions: Brazilian Storytelling through Contemporary Woodcuts, Artists’ Books and Small Press Books (1997-2021), the Arizona State University Library is highlighting a small part of its collection of woodcuts, artists’ books and small press books, to feature the work of storytellers who use their hands to bring forth narratives about modern life in Brazil. Featured here are woodblock engravers, printers, seamsters, graphic designers, collage artists, and poets. The exhibit is featured in a post on the Library of Congress’ 4 Corners of the World blog, a joint project of the four area studies divisions of the Library of Congress (African and Middle Eastern, Asian, European, Hispanic).

In conjunction with the exhibit in the Design and the Arts Library on the Tempe campus, the library has published a small booklet that discusses the current exhibit, the ASU collection more broadly, and the history of artists’ books in Brazil. The booklet features essays by Dr. Seonaid Valiant, the Curator for Latin American Studies at ASU; Dr. Suzanne Schadl, the Chief of the Latin American, Caribbean, and European Division at the Library of Congress; and Zaellotius Wilson, who is pursuing her doctoral degree in the Design, Environments, and the Arts program at Arizona State University. 

Booklet for the exhibit Shoestring Productions: Brazilian Storytelling through Contemporary Woodcuts, Artist's Books, and Small Press Books (1997-2021)
Cover of exhibit ​​​booklet

Copies of the accompanying booklet may be found at the exhibit or downloaded at

The last day for the exhibit and tours will be January 18, 2022.  To schedule a tour, contact Seonaid Valiant at

-Seonaid Valiant, Curator for Latin American Studies, Distinctive Collections