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AZ ArcGIS Online Student Competition

Published Nov. 22, 2019
Updated Oct. 18, 2021

Arizona students are able to enter the ArcGIS Online School Competition 2020 to win $100 and a trip to San Diego, CA! The competition is open to US high school (9-12) and middle school (4-8) students and must be 18 years of age or less.

The competition will be evaluated on the skill and ability to analyze, interprent, and present the data through ArcGIS Online as a web app or story map about an issue in Arizona. The students can work individually or in teams of two but can only submit one entry.

2020 ArcGIS Online Competition for US High Schools and Middle Schools

  1. Students in grades 4-12, in teams of 1 or 2, do a custom project, then create a web app or story map about their project, and submit it to school.

  2. Teachers at each school choose the school’s 5 best and submit them to the state.

  3. Participating states pick their 5 best HS and 5 best MS, award $100 to each, pick 1 of each 5 for national competition, send info on all 10 to Esri.

  4. Esri makes participation map, chooses 1 HS and 1 MS team for top prizes.

  5. Top HS and top MS go to Esri Education Summit and present their map in Esri UC Map Gallery.

    Research! Map! Present! 

The Basics of the State Level Competition

   1)  One adult sponsor registers their school/organization (registered sponsors will be contacted with information on how to submit entries).

   2)  School/organization promotes the competition and supports participants in the creation of story maps or web apps that:

          •   Answer an Arizona-based question,

          •  Propose a solution to an Arizona-based problem, or

          •  Address an Arizona-based issue.

   3)  School/organization collects and judges the maps/apps (if there are more than 5 entries) before May 13, 2020

           For an opportunity to receive mentoring feedback, please submit draft entry by March 20, 2020.  Submissions will receive feedback and be able to resubmit by the contest deadline in May. 

   4)  School/organization submits up to 5 entries to the competition by May 13, 2020

   5)   Arizona judges select the top 5 HS and top 5 MS (grades 4-8) entries, award $100 gift card to each winning entry, and enter the 10 state-level winners in the Esri national competition

Please visit for more information and details.