A red dot () indicates a field is required. First and last name Email ASU affiliation ASU affiliation - Select -UndergraduateGraduateFacultyStaff or academic professionalTribal NationOther… Enter other… (for reporting purposes only) Please share which Tribal Nation Which Labriola location would you like to visit? Hayden Library Labriola room 204 - open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Hayden Library Labriola room 204 - after hours, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Fletcher Library Labriola room 305 - open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Schedule your time to visit Schedule your time to visit: Date Schedule your time to visit: Time Please plan to schedule your visit at least two days in advance. Schedule your time to visit Schedule your time to visit: Date Schedule your time to visit: Time Please plan to schedule your visit at least two days in advance. Purpose of visit? - Select -TourEventStudy roomOther Tour information Number of participants Length of tour Any special requests Event information Event title Event description Event date(s) and time(s) Number of attendees Length of event Type of event Equipment needed Food request Other requests or needs Study room information Number of attendees Study time requested Type of study Equipment needs Other requests or needs More information Description of request Number of attendees or participants Length of visit Needs and requests Submit Leave this field blank