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Students engage in open lab with staff in the Data Science and Analytics space in Hayden Library.

Data Science and Analytics

The Unit for Data Science is a hub for trainings, research collaborations and student mentorship. It is a one-of-a-kind resource at ASU Library that connects students, faculty, and staff from all university-wide disciplines. By working with us, both students and faculty alike have grown their knowledge of data science and increased its impact on their work. By collaborating and mentoring, the Unit for Data Science pursues data science research that engages machine learning, data analytics, visual storytelling, network analysis, and text and data mining. Training opportunities to get involved and learn about data science are through self-paced tutorials and project collaborations, a free online Canvas course, a Podcast, and/or attend our Workshops and Open labs.

Share with us what you want to learn in data science and how we can support your learning in data science.  

We want to hear from you!  


What is data science?

ASU Library Data Science former Director Michael Simeone and former Data Scientist David Little introduce students, faculty, and staff to data science - the critical analysis and visualization of big data to uncover meaningful knowledge and insights.

View What is data science? on Vimeo

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Unit for Data Science and Analytics Fall 2022 Schedule