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Recall policy

All ASU Library items are subject to recall, a process by which the loan period for a checked-out item is shortened when a request for that item has been made. When an item appears as “on loan,” library users may now recall that item – a process by which the loan period for a checked-out item is shortened when a request for that item is made by another user. Once the item has been recalled and returned, the item is reserved for the user who recalled it. The recall may change the original due date of the item.

The recall policy applies to all users and is strictly enforced. The policy is in effect all year long, including breaks, sabbaticals, vacations, etc. If the library is closed, please use one of the exterior book drops to return items.

It is important for all borrowers to regularly review the status of their library account, checking for recalls either online or by contacting circulation.  At any time, you may view your account online through My Account or check with any circulation desk to see if any of the books that you have checked out have been recalled from you. 

Recall due dates and notices

  • When an item is recalled, the due date for that item automatically changes and a recall notice is sent.
  • Recall of an item may shorten the original loan period.
  • Recalls are due 2 weeks after the recall request, unless the original due date is within 2 weeks.
  • Due to the strict enforcement of the recall process, failure to receive a recall notice does not absolve the borrower from knowing an item is recalled.

Recall fines

  • Items not returned by midnight on the recall due date are billed a daily $5.00 per item fee; up to a maximum of $25.00.
  • Recall late fees are strictly enforced and only the replacement cost is cancelled when the item is returned.
  • For more information, please contact: ASU Library Administrative Services 480-965-3417.